Sunday, December 12, 2010

Importance of marriage

Marriage is for reproduction or generation of issues. It is a divine mission. Homosexuality is against the divine mission. It shows only worldly blind attachment. At least marriage with the opposite sex lead to generation of issues and when the issues are generated you are paving a way for the souls coming from the upper world to the earth for giving the gross body for that soul. You are participating in the divine mission and so the marriage is a part of divine mission.

And sometimes ,who knows you may give birth to Adisankara, or birth to Meera. In that case as father and mother of Sankara, as father and mother of Meera, as father and mother of Swami Vivekananda, you are blessed. Is it not? Therefore the marriage is a divine mission.

It is not wrong to avoid the marriage provided it is natural, not by force. Avoiding marriage is liberation. When one is attached to God intensively the worldly bonds are dropped naturally. For example, take Adi Shankara He was attached to God, and His mind is not going for any worldly bonds. He did not marry. Similarly Jesus, Swami Vivekananda, all these people; why they do not marry? They are attached to God and they are liberated from the worldly bonds and therefore these worldly bonds are not attractive to them. So it depends on the interest. That is why learning about God must be done in the childhood itself, Brahmacharya Ashrama. Charya means knowledge.

Marriage is not done in the childhood. By the end of the childhood, or brahmacharya you have learned sufficiently about God. Knowledge is completed. You must have got devotion completely on God. In that case automatically the liberation is a spontaneous process. You are not willing to marry; that is very good.

But, after finishing Brahma Charya, if you have desire to marry that means even after learning about God the real interest is not created on GOD. In that case better marry. Now, after marrying in course of time again continue your effort. The Brhma charya should be continued, that is learning about God. In that wife also can take part.

Then slowly by Vanprasthaashrama, the third ashrama, you may develop interest on God, and she may also develop interest on God and then both of you are like co-spiritual aspirants, as an association in spiritual effort, and finally sanyasa, the complete absorption on God. It is again reaching the goal late.

Anyway, one should not leave the marriage by force. If one is not interested in marriage due to his interest on God then it is not wrong. If interest on God is not there then He should marry. Some people are not interested in God, and they are also not interested in marrying. They do not want to take responsibility; they want to enjoy, something like that. That is not correct. Reason must be interest on God. Sankara did not marry; Jesus did not marry, and that is OK.

While selecting the wife our elders were very much concentrating on the background of the girl. If the background of the girl is good and they are also spiritual aspirants, then the girl also will get that culture. So she will be congenial to you in your spiritual effort also. That is why in marriage, in olden days the background is seen very much in our elder generation.

But today marriage is simply done just for physical body attraction or just for financial consideration. They are not correct. In marriage your primary aim should be for selecting a partner for your spiritual achievement. That interest at least she must have, so that both of them can go together. The marriage is not wrong provided the partner is good and also helpful in gaining the spiritual path; it is good. In spiritual path also the satsanga should be done. You need a companion; you need somebody to discuss about God, if it is your wife how lucky.

At the Lotus feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami


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