Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Solve contradictions or continue religious wars

When there is a contradiction between different scriptures, you neither solve it nor allow Me to solve it. Hinduism says that the soul has rebirth. Christianity says that the soul has no rebirth and that it goes to God or hell permanently. You want to keep this contradiction alive and fight with Hinduism. I want to end the fight since I wish that both Christians and Hindus must love each other like brothers, since both are children of the same God.

Here My solution is: The soul has only one chance or spiritual opportunity and if the soul slips from that, the soul will not get such rebirth again (in which he has the same spiritual opportunity as in this birth). In this angle, the soul has no rebirth. The soul may be born as animal or as a human being having the nature of the animal. An animal or an animal-like human being is one and the same in the sense that both do not realize their mistakes even during the punishment. Therefore, the sin is committed again. Your objection is ruled out because both humans and animals alike have the animal nature of not realizing their mistakes.

I am not denying the external hell with liquid fire. But there is also a small reflection of hell on this earth to indicate the existence of hell. Thus, the births of animals, worms etc., can be treated as punishments and such births can be taken as minor reflections of hell. Hinduism says that such births constitute the hell on earth, which is a part of the external hell. Therefore, even if I say that sinners are born as worms or even worm-like human beings, it can be taken as a part of the permanent hell. For you, the Bible is the only scripture. For Me, the scriptures of all the religions stand as reference books. You have no responsibility of removing the contradictions. But, I have that responsibility.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Datta Swami


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