Sunday, November 28, 2010

The possessor of true spiritual knowledge is God

If you want to eat an apple, you have to search for the seller of apples in order to purchase an apple from him. Then, how to identify the seller of apples? The identity mark for recognizing the seller of apples is the apple itself. Therefore, your requirement itself is the identity mark to recognize the possessor of your requirement.

If you want to learn Physics you to have select the best teacher of physics. What is the identity mark of the best teacher of physics? The identity mark is the best teaching of physics itself.

Similarly the requirement of an aspirant of spiritual path is the correct direction in his spiritual journey. The correct direction in the spiritual journey can be given by the true spiritual knowledge. Apart from the true spiritual knowledge, there should be best way of explanation of such true spiritual knowledge. Therefore, your requirement is the true spiritual knowledge and its best explanation, so that you can get the correct direction in your spiritual effort. Now, the identity mark to recognize the possessor of true spiritual knowledge and the best preacher of such true spiritual knowledge is the true spiritual knowledge and its best explanation only.

Veda says that the true spiritual knowledge (Satyam, Jnanam…) along with its best explanation (Prajnanam Brahma) is required for the correct spiritual direction. Veda says that the true spiritual knowledge itself is God. It means that the possessor of true spiritual knowledge is God. It should not be confused that the knowledge itself is God. The possessor of your required important item is addressed as the item itself. You are calling the possessor of apple as apples. You call him “Oh Apples! Come here”. Here, the word ‘apples’ means the possessor of apples.

Gita clarified this confusion by saying that the possessor of knowledge is God (Jnanitvatmaiva…). You need not search the possessor of knowledge by going to various places. The knowledge given by a preacher is printed in the form of books. You can read various books, which are the messages given by various preachers. You can judge the true knowledge explained in best way.

How to judge the true knowledge? It is said that your inner consciousness is the best judge (Pramanamantahkaranapravruttayah). When something is true, your inner consciousness will always prick you, saying that it is truth, even though you may not like it. Similarly your inner consciousness will say the false thing as false, even though you may like it. Actually God is giving this hint to you through your inner consciousness.

Sometimes, the knowledge may be true, but, if the explanation is not good, you will be having confusion. Even in such situation, your inner consciousness hints you that it is true. Of course, if the true knowledge is explained in best way, you will not have any confusion. Therefore, not only the knowledge must be true, but also the way of explanation must be best.

When both these aspects are accomplished, know that the preacher of such true knowledge explained in best way is God alone. Such preacher is called as Satguru. Guru is the preacher and may give the true knowledge, which was already given by God through the scripture. But the best explanation of it, clarifying all your doubts is possible to God alone (chidyante sarvasamsayah).

The primary purpose of God coming in human form is only to give you the correct direction in your spiritual effort through the best explanation of the true knowledge, which clarifies all your doubts and inspires you to practically adopt the knowledge. The true knowledge explained in best way is like huge fire (Jnanagnih…Gita). Such true knowledge explained in best way is the huge power to bring implementation of theory into practice. If there is any hindrance in your implementation of theory in practice, it is only the imperfect clarification of the true concept.

Therefore, the contemporary human incarnation of God can inspire you to implement the true knowledge in practice. Inspired by the teaching of Lord Krishna, Arjuna fought the war and even killed his grandfather and teacher. Mandanamishra left the family and became a saint following Shankara, just after hearing the best explanation of true knowledge from Shankara during the debate that went on for several days continuously. Therefore nothing is as powerful as the best explained true knowledge (Sarvam Gnanaplavenaiva...Gita).

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami


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