Sunday, December 5, 2010

Service and Sacrifice explained

The word karma in the case of a human being means the work done to earn money, which is essential for his food and offering the food to the guest. Money required for the self and his family is called ‘sareera yatra’ in Gita. Money required to prepare food to offer to the guest is called ‘yajna karma’. The word karma in Gita was used in these two meanings in the context of a human being (sareera yatra pichate, yajnah karma samudbhavah). Therefore the fruit of the work means only money.

The first mantra of the first Upanishad speaks about enjoyment and sacrifice of money (kasyasvit dhanam). The mantra says that the entire creation is the wealth of the Lord and one should store the money for his minimum enjoyment and the rest should be sacrificed to the Lord who comes in the human form for His mission to uplift this world. The second mantra says that one should continuously work and earn. Vasista said that money is the root of all this worldly family bonds (Dhanamulamidam jagat). When money is absent all the family members will leave you. All the family members and relatives approach you only due to money just like the frogs are present in the tank when it is full of water.

The ‘Srichakram’ means the wheel that surrounds the money. Therefore when the sacrifice of money comes into the picture, all the fraud devotees will run away because in their hearts the attraction to the family bonds exists as solidified darkness. Only the true devotees will stand, in whose hearts the darkness is removed and the light of divine knowledge exists.

The Lord came in human form and tested ‘Saktuprasta’ in the sacrifice of the food, which is another form of money. In draught he could secure a little flour and he was fasting for the past ten days. He was not tested in any other way of words and mind (japa, parayana, dhyana etc.). A real devotee will stand in this root test and this is the real fire test.

If the bond with the money is cut, all the worldly bonds are cut, since money is the root of this whole samsara. The fraud devotees want to escape this test and therefore interpreted the karmaphala as the fruit of prayers, japa, parayana, dhyana etc. The eyes in this world not at all see such fruit. Therefore such fruit of work done by words and mind is unreal. There is no difficulty to sacrifice such unreal fruit. Therefore they misinterpreted the karmaphalatyaga as leaving a spoon of water in the plate after doing such work by words and mind. Some people have fooled the ignorant people by doing such works and get the Gurudakshina. They are selling the unreal fruit for the real money, by promising that the fruits of their sins will be removed and results of good deeds, which were not done, will be attained.

In the state of theoretical devotion any view is right, since there is no difference between drinking two different drinks in a dream. The point is whether your devotion is theoretical (Songs, Meditation etc.,) or practical (Service). The practical devotion is possible only in the case of the present live human incarnation. When you are sprinkling rose water on the shirt of a present live person, the person receives and enjoys your service. The shirt is the human body and the person is God in present live human incarnation.

The past human incarnation existing as a statue or photo is like a photo of the non-existing past shirt of the same person. You will not sprinkle the rose water on even the existing shirt if the person is absent in it and not to speak of a non-existing shirt seen in a photo. If you sprinkle rose water on a photo in which a person who is away in a foreign country, it is also virtually the same.

Similarly the service to a photo of Vishnu existing in the upper world is as good as the service to a photo of Rama who existed in the past. Krishna asked Arjuna to surrender to Him only (Mamekam…Gita). Here Mam (Him) means the human incarnation. The word Ekam (only) means the present live one existing before the eyes of Arjuna. It means Krishna who was the contemporary human incarnation. Direct service to God is possible only in the case of present human incarnation.

When you divert the service or practical devotion from the world (family and society), which consists of the live human beings to God, the God must also be in live human form so that the service like feeding is diverted practically from one side to the other side.

If your world contains only the photos or statues of your forefathers, who are not alive today, then you can divert your service of cleaning the statues of your forefathers to the statues of God. The diversion of service should be in the same phase i.e., either all in alive human forms or all in forms of statues. There cannot be diversion of practical devotion from one phase to the other phase.

Suppose you have offered ten kg of food to a statue of God and offered half kg of food to your son, you cannot say that you have twenty times more devotion on God than your son. Here, the comparison is not in one phase. If God comes in human form, will you offer half kg of food to Him daily as you are offering the same to your son? Therefore, the proof of diversion or transformation can be in a single-phase system only.

Hanuman left His alive mother and worshipped alive Rama. He did not leave His alive mother to worship a statue in the temple or to meditate upon the formless God in a forest or to serve Himself feeling that He is God. Gopikas left the bonds with all alive forms (parents, in-laws, husbands, children etc.) only to worship a specific alive form, who was Krishna in their time and one should note that Krishna was not having any relationship with them.

At the lotus feet of His Holiness, Sri Dattaswami


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